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December 22, 2008 - Forbidden Planet / Cameron interest and possible trilogy
Scooped on Tuesday, December 23, 2008
IESB has published two of a three-part look at J. Michael Straczynski's screenplay for the new Forbidden Planet. If you've wondered how the writer cracked the monumental task of crafting a sequel to the original legendary sci-fi film, here comes a spoiler:
IESB's first part goes into the first 10 minutes of the proposed film. The second part goes further into the first act as well as explains the introduction of Robby the Robot in the film. The third -- well, it's not online just yet.
Over at Latino Review, their resident screenplay reviewer felt left out and decided to drop their own spoilerrific overview of the FP script, going for a larger overview of what happens in the story. But the doozy is saved for what's contained on the final page of the screenplay:
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