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August 10, 2009 - G.I. Joe 2 / studio head Rob Moore confirms sequel
Scooped on Monday, August 10, 2009
In its first weekend of release G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra grossed $54.7 million domestically and another $43 million from international venues. With nearly $100 million earned in the film's first three days in theaters, apparently that kind of return on investment is enough for Paramount to start working on a sequel. The studio's vice chairman, Rob Moore, told the Los Angeles Times that a G.I. Joe sequel will go into development shortly. While the movie's main actors are contractually bound to appear in the sequel no such deal is in place for director Stephen Sommers.
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Posted: 15 years 24 weeks ago
this movie rocked HARD... better than Transformers 2 (I know that kind of comparison isnt saying much... but its a great movie.Cant heap enough praise on GI JOE)
the line about the Kung Fu grip was a groaner, as was the "you're a real american hero" <--HAHAHA... groan.