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Trailer: G.I. Joe: Retaliation
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Monday, December 12, 2011
'tis the season for trailers for the summer movie season. Paramount wants you to start getting interested in seeing G.I. Joe: Retaliation next summer, and they're doing their best to do just that with the first trailer. Wanna watch it?
For a big, dumb action movie that trailer delivers on several points:
1. The odds are now way up against the Joe team up. Cobra's in the White House?
2. Snake Eyes is fighting bad ninjas on a mountainside? Yeah, I'm down with that.
3. Bruce Willis surprise appearance as the original G.I. Joe!
But I've seen a lot of trailers that looked amazing and it doesn't mean that the final product will live up to that (Vertical Limit, I'm talking about you.)
Fingers crossed that this new G.I. Joe movie makes the first look weak. They need to go above and beyond to make the G.I. Joe movie universe as fun to watch on the big screen as the Transformers films have done. I will give director John Cho this: the first look does make Retaliation look cool.
They're telling you now.
I like that the tech looks scaled back, and Snake's suit doesn't have silly rubber lips.
The first film was decent fun, i'm hopeful for this one.
Posts: 166
Posted: 13 years 5 weeks ago
ROTFLMAO!!! but, yeah. Looks like good mindless fun.