Still do not know about Raimi...He really scewed me over with the Spiderman frachise...But hey, I will try and see it....
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Drag this trailer to Hell
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The trailer for Sam Raimi's Drag Me to Hell, his first new horror film since Army of Darkness, has finally arrived. Yahoo Movies has the exclusive which you can watch here.
The movie opens on May 29 so it's unusual to have the film's first trailer be released with almost 2 months to opening night. Nevertheless, we finally get to have a feel if Mr. Spider-Man hasn't forgotten his Evil Dead roots.
In the film Alison Lohman plays banking loan officer Christine Brown, a young woman trying to impress her boss so she can land the open assistant manager position. When she's faced with making or breaking a loan extension for an elderly woman, Christine decides to not grant the extension to win points with her boss. But in return the shamed old lady places a curse on Christine, one that places a demon on her that will literally drag her to hell if she doesn't find a way to get it removed.
hey Pat, quite a few years back, I read an article that the producers were forced into changing the title of the second Bill and Ted flick to "Bill and Ted'd Bogus Journey" because the MPAA wouldnt permit the word "Hell" in any movie titles (the film was originally called "bill and ted go to hell" but that was after Hellraiser and numerous other flicks used Hell in their titles... )have you heard anything about this rule?
it seems like the MPAA has no problems before or after the Bill and Ted sequel, with movies uing hell in their titles or promotionals.
as for this... didnt Raimi do a horror flick about a southern plantation and a tree and a lady who had extra perception powers called the Gift?
of course nobody remembers anything Raimi's done cept for Spiderman and Evil Dead trilogy.... sigh.
as for forgetting his roots... I'd beg to differ, he's moved away from the low budget splatter flicks and went for slick and modern horror... I just watched the trailer for The Gift and it's much the same as Drag me to Hell.
plus after Thinner, I'm not really interested in gypsy curses...
I love The Gift! It's a totally underrated and forgotten movie, but it is full of great performances, especially Cate Blanchett and Giovanni Ribisi. It's a creepy little movie, and Drag Me to Hell does seem to share some similarities with it based on this trailer. However, from what I've heard about Drag Me To Hell, it should be quite a bit different than The Gift. That said, this trailer didn't do that much for me.
I love The Gift because it had naked Katie back before she was soiled by Tom Cruise.
Hey Pat, there's no page for this movie yet?
The Gift was creepy, but this doesn't look all that scary.
Frankly, if the lead actress (Twilight whatshername) doesn't get naked, it'll be a rental at best.
the next trailer better be filled with at least some Evil Dead Moments, else it aint doing anything for me.
this kinda looks like a rejected "Eight films to Die For" flick.... plus its really giving off the Thinner vibe, and thats not good.
Posts: 5753
Posted: 15 years 26 weeks ago
Looks good. Early reviews seem positive. I'm sure my butt will be in a seat.