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Carla lands a job delivering a Sucker Punch
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I guess that she must have enjoyed her time kicking criminal ass while wearing bedroom attire because Carla Gugino is reuniting with her Watchmen director Zack Snyder on his next effort, the twisted reality-bending Sucker Punch.
The lovely Ms. Gugino will play a character named Mrs. Schultz who is a nurse working in an insane asylum where the film's action takes place. The main character is Emily Browning; when she's institutionalized Browning's character imagines an alternate reality as a way to escape her prison. Gugino's character in the alternate world is a brothel madam. I'm not complaining.
Other actresses already cast in Sucker Punch are Jena Malone, Jamie Chung, Abbie Cornish and Vanessa Hudgens. Snyder plans on rolling Sucker Punch in the fall and back in Vancouver where he lensed Watchmen.
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