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Trans Am
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Action
Production Phase: Script Stage
Studio: Warner Bros.
Who's Making It: Matt Johnson (Screenwriter),
Premise: Two wanted men, one a sheriff's deputy fallen in the eyes of the law, the other a getaway driver, become unlikely allies when they seek to capture a bank robber.... More »
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Warner Bros. has bought Matt Johnson's spec script Trans Am to make as an action film. As first reported by The Hollywood Reporter, Johnson's script centers on two men, one a sheriff's deputy, the other a getaway driver, who are being chased by the law while the men on the lam pursue a bank robber. The movie takes place in the southern United States along the Mississippi River and is described by THR as a "Deep South-set 48 HRS."
Johnson wrote the 2004 WB action movie Torque and Into the Blue starring Jessica Alba and Paul Walker.
- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)