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The Tomb
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Action
Production Phase: Post-production
Studio: Summit Entertainment Production Company: Emmett/Furla Films
Who's In It: Jim Caviezel (Warden Willard Hobbes), Arnold Schwarzenegger (Emil Rottmayer), Faran Tahir (Javed), Amy Ryan (Abigail Ross), Vinnie Jones (Drake)
Who's Making It: Mikael Håfström (Director), Jason Keller (Screenwriter), Miles Chapman (Screenwriter), George Furla (Producer), Mark Canton (Producer)
Premise: Ray Breslin is one of the world's experts on designing buildings that are impossible to break in or out of is set-up and sentenced to a prison that he designed. Now inside the maximum security... More »
Monday, August 13, 2012
The first official photo showing Stallone and Schwarzenegger together in a scene from The Tomb has arrived online. As the song said in the '90s, "Whoomp, there it is, uh-huh."
- The Wall Street Journal. Comment on this Scoop (0)Sunday, May 27, 2012
In a set report broadcast by Entertainment Tonight we have our first look at a grey-haired Arnold Schwarzenegger playing convict Emil Rottmayer. The ET video shows both Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone filming scenes inside the maximum security prison that's the setting for The Tomb, as well as commenting on their on-screen team-up.
[Thanks to Collider for the screengrab.]
- Entertainment Tonight, Collider. Comment on this Scoop (0)Monday, February 20, 2012
In an interview with The Matthew Aaron Show, producer Mark Canton revealed that Jim Caviezel (The Passion of the Christ) has been cast as the warden of the prison in The Tomb.
- The Mark Canton Show via Ain't It Cool News. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Arnold Schwarzenegger has been cast in The Tomb as a prisoner in the facility. Schwarzenegger's inmate is named Church as is described as being a "complex inmate". Once Stallone's Ray Breslin is incarcerated inside the prison, Church winds up in the unlikely position of being a voice of reason as the other prisoners rebel inside the maximum security fortress.
Schwazrenegger is currently shooting The Expendables 2 with an armada of 1980s action stars include Stallone and Bruce Willis. [Full story]
- Deadline. Comment on this Scoop (0)Sunday, October 30, 2011
Sylvester Stallone has now attached himself to topline The Tomb for Summit Entertainment.
The project has bounced around in development for a year, first attracting the attention of Bruce Willis and then later Arnold Schwarzenegger to play the lead role of Ray Breslin, the architect of a manimum security prison. Breslin is set up to take the fall for a crime and becomes an inmate in his own creation, forcing him to find a way to break out and also find out who set him up.
Summit will begin selling the international distribution rights for the movie shortly to line up capital to finance it. A director is also being sought.
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)