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Release Date: May 6, 2011 (North America)
Genres: Action, Comic Book, Fantasy MPAA Rating: PG-13
Production Phase: Completed
Studio: Paramount Pictures Production Company: Marvel Studios
Who's In It: Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Tom Hiddleston (Loki), Natalie Portman (Jane Foster), Anthony Hopkins (Odin), Colm Feore (Ymir)
Who's Making It: Kenneth Branagh (Director), Mark Protosevich (Screenwriter),
Premise: Cast out of his home realm by his father to learn humility, the Norse god of thunder battles against the forces of evil and the devilish plans of his trickster brother Loki for the safety... More »
HypeMeter Rating: Explosive
Recent Comments
Kirk Lazarus, Paul Avery, and Harry Lockhart say hi. I know nothing about Thor the comic, but I love…
Okay, on that last scoop - Downey is full of it. A"The danger you run with colliding all these world…
I've been keeping a quiet eye on this one. Hoping for the best, but unsure about the execution. I ju…
Posts: 74
Posted: 15 years 38 weeks ago
Really? THOR? That's what Marvel considers one of their top properties? How about a kick-ass MOON KNIGHT film, huh? Or a creepy MORBIUS flick? And hoping to find an update on that rumored Edgar Writer ANT MAN comedy in here (or did you decide to sleep this year, Patty?).
Posts: 74
Posted: 15 years 38 weeks ago
Btw, is there a way to move the HypeMeter rating below zero for this one? Just askin'...
Posts: 35
Posted: 15 years 37 weeks ago
I've been keeping a quiet eye on this one. Hoping for the best, but unsure about the execution. I just hope it doesn't come out laughable or stupid.
Posts: 417
Posted: 15 years 36 weeks ago
Okay, on that last scoop - Downey is full of it.
A"The danger you run with colliding all these worlds is [director] Jon [Favreau] was very certain that Iron Man should be set in a very realistic world. Nothing that happened in Iron Man is really outside the realm of possibility. Once you start talking about Valhalla and supersized super soldiers and jolly green giants it warrants much further discussion."
If that is honestly what he thought, then he would NEVER have agreed to the cameo at the end of The Incredible Hulk. Further still why didn't raise an overpaid Hollywood sweetheart stink about Sam Jackson showing up at the end of his film?
Downey has known from the START that his film was going to have several Marvel tie-in's and the likely possibility of an Avengers film.
Further proof why Downey is a waste of human skin, who's only redeeming quallity in the last 20 years is his performance in the Iron Man film.
Just Sayin.
Posts: 16
Posted: 15 years 36 weeks ago
Kirk Lazarus, Paul Avery, and Harry Lockhart say hi.
I know nothing about Thor the comic, but I love me some mythology. Between this, War of the Gods, and Clash of the Titans I've got something to look forward to. It's an unbelievably untapped genre with today's "event" movies and effects.
Posts: 7588
Posted: 15 years 33 weeks ago
I see that guy from Rome/Journeyman more as Loki than I do Thor.