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Strikeforce: Morituri
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Action, Comic Book, Science Fiction
Production Phase: Script Stage
Production Company: Waterman Entertainment
Who's Making It: Peter B. Gillis (Screenwriter), Connor Cochran (Screenwriter), Jeff Beard (Producer),
Premise: In the late 21st century a group of aliens known only as The Horde came to Earth to terrorize it. The only means that humanity has found to combat The Horde's superior technology is by... More »
What We Think: A fantastic concept for both an alien invasion story as well as a superhero one, Strikeforce: Morituri was one of the best sci-fi/action/superhero comic books made in the 1980s. We certainly hope that the movie... More »
Monday, August 1, 2011
A feature film based on the 1980s Marvel Comic book series Strikeforce: Morituri is now in development at Waterman Entertainment. Series creator/writer Peter B. Gillis is writing the screenplay with Connor Cochran, with Jeff Beard producing.
Waterman Entertainment is the production company of Steve Waterman, co-producer of Casper and executive producer of the Stuart Little and Alvin and the Chipmunks movies.
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