Movies: 1135
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Release Date: TBA
Genres: Action, Comic Book, Horror
Production Phase: Script Stage
Who's Making It: J. Michael Straczynski (Screenwriter), Sean Daniel (Producer),
Premise: New Orleans musician Jack Boniface protects his city from unspeakable monsters and the nightmarish forces of Master Darque. Based on the Valiant comic book.... More »
Monday, October 15, 2012
As the new Valiant Comics prepares to relaunch its Shadowman comic book series, a Shadowman movie has been announced. Sean Daniel (The Mummy) is the producer onboard the nascent project, with World War Z and Changling screenwriter J. Michael Straczynski slated to write the screenplay (as well as executive produce the film.)
Created in the first incarnation of Valiant back in the early 1990s, the Shadowman character is a New Orleans jazz musician called Jack Boniface. Gifted with the supernatural ability to hide himself in the shadows, Jack battles the forces of darkness and protects his town from monsters and the menace of Master Darque. Valiant is about to release the first issue of its new Shadowman comic book series on November 7.
"Shadowman is a character who lives in a unique world that mixes the modern world with that which is most ancient within us,” Straczynski told the website Deadline. “The New Orleans vibe and history, and the struggle to find a balance with the personality within him, is a perfect dramatic vehicle. We’ve already finished the outline and there’s a lot of action, much of it unique to what Shadowman can do…but at the core of it, there’s a strong character, world and mythology that can be explored across multiple subsequent films. This is gonna be fun."
Added Valiant CEO Jason Kothari, "Shadowman is the first in a large slate of film projects that we are developing and funding internally at Valiant. Between Sean’s evidenced track record and Joe’s creative genius, we are very enthused about building a potential franchise here."
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