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At the Mountains of Madness
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Horror
Production Phase: In Development
Studio: Universal Pictures
Who's Making It: Guillermo del Toro (Director), Guillermo del Toro (Screenwriter), Matthew Robbins (Screenwriter), H.P. Lovecraft (Producer), Don Murphy (Producer)
Premise: In the early part of the 20th century an American expedition to the Antarctic discovers the ruins of a city built by otherworldly beings. Investigating further the team then learns the horrifying truth behind the... More »
Monday, September 6, 2010
The first two rumored names for roles in the movie are now known: Wanted star James McAvoy and Mission: Impossible star Tom Cruise. The source states that the director wants Cruise while the studio wants McAvoy. Chris Pine (Star Trek) has also been considered but it's believed that his schedule would eliminate him from being seriously considered.
- Collider. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Avatar director James Cameron has now come onboard as a producer on At the Mountains of Madness. Cameron will be a beneficial help not only with his name but in having practical experience in filming a movie with true 3D cameras, a process that will now be used when Mountains of Madness goes into production.
- Deadline. Comment on this Scoop (0)