Movies: 1135
Comments: 67725
Members: 718
Online: 0 Guests: 235
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Action, Thriller
Production Phase: In Development
Studio: DreamWorks Pictures
Who's Making It: Jon Cassar (Director), Hans Bauer (Screenwriter), Craig Mitchell (Screenwriter), Billy Ray (Screenwriter), Laurie MacDonald (Producer)
Premise: When the American President is kidnapped while visiting New York City, only a disgraced Secret Service agent is in the right place to attempt a rescue.... More »
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
DreamWorks has hired 24 director Jon Cassar to direct Motorcade and is hoping to get Ryan Reynolds to topline the action movie. Even though there's new movement and DreamWorks considers it a high priority project it's likely that the film won't be rolling before cameras until the summer or fall of 2010. [Full story]
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