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Indiana Jones 5
Release Date: July 10, 2020 (North America)
Genres: Action, Adventure, Sequel
Production Phase: In Development
Studio: Paramount Pictures Production Company: Lucasfilm, Ltd.
Who's In It: Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones),
Who's Making It: Steven Spielberg (Director),
What We Think: Whether you loved it, hated it or didn't really care either way, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull made a lot of money. If there is a fifth Indy movie we think... More »
Thursday, July 26, 2012
If you've been waiting for positive news about a fifth Indiana Jones movie, forgive us for being the bearer of bad news.
Producer Frank Marshall has a new movie coming out next month, The Bourne Legacy. During this film's press junket, Marshall was asked what, if any, progress had been made on the next Indy movie.
"I say, for me, [Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is] the last hurrah. I know that yes, we talk about it, but there’s no idea, there’s no MacGuffin," said the filmmaker.
A "MacGuffin" is a plot device that drives the story forward. In the case of Raiders of the Lost Ark, it was the Ark of the Covenant. With Crystal Skull, it was you-know-what. And according to Marshall, George Lucas doesn't still have an idea what would be a good MacGuffin for a potential Indy 5.
"Yeah, no he [George Lucas] isn’t [hungry to do another Indiana Jones]," Marshall added.
- Collider. Comment on this Scoop (0)Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Is the next Indiana Jones movie set in the Bermuda Triangle? A story published by Stuff, an online news agency, claims that they have the inside word on the premise and production.
Stuff claims that Lucas and Spielberg are working on a script that's "almost there," and Harrison Ford is on "stand-by for filming next year." The anonymous source also states that Shia LaBeouf's Mutt Williams will come back and that the new Indy "will be a blockbuster made in the old fashioned way rather than the CGI efforts of the last movie."
- Stuff. Comment on this Scoop (1)Monday, January 11, 2010
While being interviewed about his next role in Extraordinary Measures, Harrison Ford was asked by MTV about the direction he would like to see the next Indiana Jones movie take. "I think it would be interesting to deepen the relationship between he and his son and play on that relationship. ... It's full of opportunity. The series is full of opportunity."
When asked if he saw an opportunity for any of the other supporting characters in Crystal Skull to return in movie #5, Ford said, "Karen [Allen]'s a wonderful actress, I've always enjoyed working with her. I'm hoping that there'll be a part for all of us in the next one."
And that "crazy" idea he had for an idea for the movie? He's not willing to share it with reporters just yet.
- MTV. Comment on this Scoop (0)Sunday, September 20, 2009
In a recent interview with the French magazine Le Figaro (and picked up by People), Harrison Ford said that a big step forward has happened on a fifth Indy movie.
"The story for the new Indiana Jones is in the process of taking form," Ford is quoted. "Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and myself are agreed on what the fifth adventure will concern, and George is actively at work. If the script is good, I'll be very happy to put the costume on again."
And on the rumor side of the fence comes a story first published by Ireland On-Line that claims there's a part for Indy's Dad to appear in the next movie. The site quotes an anonymous source that Sean Connery will be approached by the producer and asked if he's interested in coming out of retirement to once again play Henry Jones Sr. "Anything is possible in these movies and if Sean wants to return he will become central to the new story," states the site's source.
- Le Figaro, People. Comment on this Scoop (1)Tuesday, June 16, 2009
In an interview promoting Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Shia LaBeouf told the BBC (via Coming Soon) that Steven Spielberg had "cracked" the story for the fifth Indy movie and "I think they're gearing that up."
- BBC. Comment on this Scoop (0)Friday, October 3, 2008
Harrison Ford told the L.A. Times' Hero Complex column that George Lucas is in "think mode right now" working on a storyline for a fifth Indiana Jones film. "It's crazy but great," said the actor to the outlet before going on to add, "It's automatic, really, we did well with the last one and with that having done well and been a positive experience, it's not surprising that some people want to do it again."
The 66-year-old Ford also ruled out the possibility of doing any animated adventures with his archaeologost character, à la what Lucas did with his Clone Wars movie released theatrically this past summer. "I'm not philosophically against doing animation roles but not for Indiana Jones. I'd hate to see it reduced in any way from the movies that we have done and the way we have done them."
- Hero Complex. Comment on this Scoop (0)Friday, April 18, 2008
USA Today has published a major interview with Harrison Ford talking about his career in Hollywood and, of course, his thoughts on Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull -- and we are given our first true acknowledgement that the 65-year-old could come back to don the fedora once again. While the newspaper doesn't give a precise quote from the actor, USA Today states that Ford "might consider a fifth installment of Indiana Jones, though he hopes it wouldn't take 20 years to pull together."
Thursday, April 17, 2008
USA Today has published a major interview with Harrison Ford talking about his career in Hollywood and, of course, his thoughts on Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull -- and we are given our first true acknowledgement that the 65-year-old could come back to don the fedora once again. While the newspaper doesn't give a precise quote from the actor, USA Today states that Ford "might consider a fifth installment of Indiana Jones, though he hopes it wouldn't take 20 years to pull together."
- USA Today. Comment on this Scoop (0)
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