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Release Date: May 16, 2014 (North America)

Genres: Action, Remake, Science Fiction          

Production Phase: In Development

Studio: Warner Bros.   Production Company: Legendary Pictures

Who's Making It: Gareth Edwards (Director), Max Borenstein (Screenwriter),

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Monday, January 7, 2013

In the past 24 hours there's been several interesting developments happening with Legendary Pictures' Godzilla movie.

Last night Hitfix broke word that producers Dan Lin and Roy Lee, who have been brewing the project with Legendary and Warner Bros., are exiting the project. The break seems to be amicable, at least according to Hitfix's Drew McWeeny, but today Mike Fleming at Deadline states that things will get ugly and Lin/Lee will go to court to fight the parting of the ways.

The production also wants to start filming in the coming spring of 2013.

The Hollywood Reporter then wanted in on the Godzilla news. In their coverage of the producers exiting the film THR mentioned that Dark Knight Rises star Joseph Gordon-Levitt was offered the lead role in the movie but turned it down. That was still news to the general public and worth a mention on our page.

- Hitfix, Deadline, The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Thursday, September 13, 2012

May 16, 2014 is the date that Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. will bring the new Godzilla to the silver screen. Also revealed: that the '14 Godzilla will be released in theaters in 3D.

- Legendary Pictures. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Sunday, November 13, 2011

A new writer had been hired for the Godzilla movie. His name is Max Borenstein, and he's replacing David Goyer's draft with an entirely new one.

Borenstein has worked before for Legendary Pictures, the production company developing Godzilla. He wrote the screenplay for The Seventh Son, a supernatural thriller about to go into production, as well as a biopic of rocker Jimi Hendrix.

- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Riding a nice wave of critical acclaim for his low budget but high concept giant monster movie Monsters, British filmmaker Gareth Edwards has been hired to direct the newest American remake of Godzilla. Now onboard the project, Edwards will work with a new, to-be-hired screenwriter on a new draft of the screenplay.

- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

At a recent 3D summit held at Universal Studios, producer Brian Rogers talked about how his company landed the rights to make a new American Godzilla movie. Watch the video interview below and learn some new facts about what will be included in the reboot:


Get that? Godzilla won't be the only big guy seen on the screen. More monsters!


- Comment on this Scoop (0)
Monday, March 29, 2010

A new American Godzilla movie will be created by Legendary Pictures, the production entity behind The Dark KnightSuperman Returns, 300 and Clash of the Titans. Legendary has partnered with Toho Studios, the Japanese creators of the big green radioactive lizard, and they're saying that the new Yankee Godzilla will have nothing to do with Sony Pictures poorly received 1998 movie.

"Godzilla is one of the world's most powerful pop culture icons, and we at Legendary are thrilled to be able to create a modern epic based on this long-loved Toho franchise," said Thomas Tull, Legendary's chariman. "Our plans are to produce the Godzilla that we, as fans, would want to see. We intend to do justice to those essential elements that have allowed this character to remain as pop-culturally relevant for as long as it has."

Said Hideyuki Takai, the president of Toho, "Godzilla is a signature Japanese character which we have nurtured over the years. It is a great honor to reach an agreement with Legendary Pictures, the parent to many a blockbuster film, and we are delighted in rebooting the character together to realize its much anticipated return by fans from all over the world. We are anxious to find out where Godzilla's new stomping will take us."

And finally, a comment from the president of Warner Bros., Jeff Robinov: "Godzilla is emblematic of the kind of branded, event films for which Warner Bros. and our partners at Legendary are best known. We have enjoyed a great deal of success together to date and this newest opportunity represents yet another chance for us to collaborate on a property that is very clearly in their wheelhouse."

Legendary wants to have their Godzilla movie out in theaters in 2012. [Full story]

- Legendary Pictures. Comment on this Scoop (0)


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