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Freaky Monday
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Production Phase: Pitch
Production Company: CBS Films
Who's Making It: Heather Hach (Creator - Writer), Mary Rodgers (Creator - Writer), Andrew Gunn (Producer), Mark Waters (Producer), Ann Marie Sanderlin (Executive Producer)
Premise: An insecure junior high school girl switches bodies with her English teacher for a day.... More »
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The producers of the 2003 version of Freaky Friday have optioned the semi-sequel Freaky Monday and are developing it as a feature film. Andrew Gunn and Mark Waters are the producers who are developing the family friendly fantasy for CBS Films. The difference between Monday from Friday is this time the duo that swap bodies are a young teen girl and her junior high school English teacher.
Freaky Monday was first published as a novel written by Heather Hach and original Freaky Friday writer Mary Rodgers.
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