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The Flock
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Action, Science Fiction
Production Phase: Pitch
Who's Making It: Don Murphy (Producer), John Wells (Producer), James Robert Smith (Creator - Writer),
Premise: A nest of prehistoric terror birds living in the modern day Everglades defend their territory when modern civilization encroaches on their habitat.... More »
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The screen rights to James Robert Smith's novel The Flock have been optioned by producers Don Murphy (Transformers, From Hell) and John Wells (ER, Doom). They are meeting with potential writers to shape the book's storyline into a screenplay for a possible summer tentpole release.
The story of how Murphy became to option the rights to The Flock is almost worthy of its own movie. After the author had made critical comments about one of Murphy's earlier movies on a blog, the producer discovered Smith had written a book himself. Murphy picked up a copy with the intent on making himself familiar with it and then subject the writer to his own personal public critique. To his surprise Murphy liked the concept behind The Flock so much that he began talks with Smith about turning his story into a movie. [Full story]
- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)