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Django Unchained
Release Date: December 25, 2012 (North America)
Genres: Drama, Historical, Thriller
Production Phase: Completed
Studio: The Weinstein Company Production Company: A Band Apart
Who's In It: Samuel L. Jackson (Stephen), Christoph Waltz (Dr. King Schultz), Leonardo DiCaprio (Calvin Candie), Jamie Foxx (Django), Don Johnson (Spencer Bennett)
Who's Making It: Quentin Tarantino (Director), Quentin Tarantino (Screenwriter),
Premise: America in the early 1800s. After being freed as a slave by a man seeking revenue upon slave owners, a black man named Django agrees to help his rescuer in exchange for the other's help... More »
Monday, November 12, 2012
A new Django Unchained one-sheet turned up the other day online. This will be the one that North American theater audiences will see hanging in movie theater lobbies.
- Yahoo Movies. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Another new trailer for Django Unchained came out today, the fifth if you count all of the official and redband ones. As is the case for trailers released a few months before the movie, this new preview delves deeper into the plot of Django Unchained, setting up the heroes, villains and innocents caught in-between the Tarantino mayhem.
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Wednesday, June 6, 2012
The first trailer for Tarantino's Django Unchained has arrived. Surprise! It's kind of what we can expect from one of Quentin's movie: cool music, violence and dangerous subject matter.
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Thursday, April 26, 2012
Here is an official shot showing Calvin Candie, the main adversary in Django Unchained and Leonardo DiCaprio's character. The Weinstein Company also released a second shot showing Jamie Foxx as Django and Christoph Waltz as Dr. Schultz, the movie's two good guys.
We've added both photos to our newly created image gallery for the picture.
Comment on this Scoop (0)Sunday, November 13, 2011
Sacha Baron Cohen will play a gambler who wins Brunhilda, the wife of Django. It's a smaller role in the movie but an important one that sets the course of the film's action.
Comment on this Scoop (0)Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Once one of the kings of 1980s television, Don Johnson has landed a part in Django Unchained. The Miami Vice star will play a plantation owner by the name of Spencer Bennett.
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)Saturday, October 1, 2011
Kurt Russell is in contract talks to play the villain Ace Woody in the film. As we reported last month, Kevin Costner was slated to play Ace but bowed out, leaving the door open for Russell to walk in.
This wouldn't the the first time that Russell has worked with Quentin Tarantino: he played a stuntman/serial killer in Death Proof, the second-half of the Grindhouse double feature released in 2007.
- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)Saturday, September 17, 2011
The movie gains a cast member and loses another one.
Who's new to the cast of Django Unchained is former Deadwood cast member Gerald McRaney, so he has some experience working in the wild west. Gone from the mix is Kevin Costner who is busy starring in the new Superman movie Man of Steel, now filming in Vancouver, Canada.
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)Tuesday, July 19, 2011
After he plays the Man of Steel's adoptive father, Kevin Costner is likely to play a part in Tarantino's new revenge flick. The sandy-haired Field of Dreams star is in talks to play Ace Woody, the ranch manager who oversees the black slaves that must fight each other to the death. It's a brutal role and Woody is a real villain in Django Unchained, a character type that Costner usually shies away from playing.
- Deadline. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Movie reporter Jeff Goldsmith has tweeted some interesting news: according to his sources Tarantino has made a decision on his leading man and it will be Jamie Foxx. He won a Best Actor Oscar for his 2005 performance in Ray, and will next be seen in theaters in the dark comedy Horrible Bosses.
No official announcement (or tweets from Foxx or Tarantino) have confirmed Goldsmith's scoop yet.
- Jeff Goldsmith via Twitter. Comment on this Scoop (0)Tuesday, June 14, 2011
The Weinstein Company has announced a December 25, 2012 release date target for the movie. Right now there are no other movies scheduled for release on Christmas Day '12, though that will almost certainly change in the months to come.
Comment on this Scoop (0)Sunday, May 8, 2011
Quentin Tarantino wants Will Smith to saddle up and star in his latest film, Django Unchained, says The Hollywood Reporter. Written and to be directed by Tarantino, Django is a spaghetti Western set in the Old South. Smith would play a slave who teams with a German bounty hunter to find his slave wife and take down the evil plantation owner who owns her. Last week, Tarantino's agency WME confirmed that Tarantino had turned in the final draft to the Weinstein Company.
Although QT prefers Smith as his hero, no official offer has been made. Smith has received the script, but it’s unknown if he’s read it yet. The film is expected to be controversial, as it deals with racism head-on and has Tarantino’s usual liberal use of the N word.
Tarantino is also talking to a couple of actors from his previous films for roles: Samuel L. Jackson and Christoph Waltz. QT wrote the part of the German bounty hunter with Waltz in mind. Jackson would play the house slave to the plantation owner. Tarantino hopes to shoot in the South this fall., who scored the exclusive photo of the script's cover page above, has a nice write-up on the original Django film as well as a recent similarly titled filmby Takashi Miike in which Tarantino cameo'd.
- The Hollywood Reporter, Comment on this Scoop (0)