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District 9 sequel
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Drama, Science Fiction, Sequel
Production Phase: Rumored
Production Company: WingNut Films
Monday, August 17, 2009
With the success of District 9 now a reality the question turns to whether director Neill Blomkamp would like to return to that world. "I would do anything to go back to the world of District 9 again. Or District 10," he quipped.
Blomkamp also said that he couldn't make a follow-up without the involvement of the film's star, Sharlto Copley. "I'd love to make a sequel, because it's so creatively rewarding to me; there's just something about [the story]," Blomkamp told Fangoria Radio in an interview conducted before the film's release. "It's my background mixed with the science fiction that I loved. I'd really like to go back to the world of District 9 - which, without Sharlto's character, would be a very different kind of movie. So I think automatically the two of us will be reunited again, should the public decide that this film is something they want to see and it's successful." [Full story]
- Entertainment Weekly, Fangoria Radio. Comment on this Scoop (0)