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Children of the Corn
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Remake, Horror
Production Phase: Script Stage
Studio: Dimension Films
Who's Making It: Ehren Kruger (Screenwriter),
Premise: In a small midwestern town a young vacationing couple discover that the children murdered all of the adults at the behest of a child preacher who takes orders from He Who Walks Behind the Rows.... More »
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Dimension Films has hired screenwriter Ehren Kruger to write the remake of Children of the Corn. "We felt the New World film was a missed opportunity," Dimension topper Bob Weinstein told Variety while attending the Venice Film Festival, refering to the first version released in 1984. "If you read the short story, it's got such a strong feeling to it and there's this religious overtone to it as well. We are bringing something new to the story."
In a decade Kruger has racked up a dozen feature film screenwriting credits including Arlington Road, Scream 3, Skeleton Key and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. He's also writing the script for Transformers 3.
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