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October 16, 2009 - New Moon/ soundtrack released
Scooped on Thursday, October 15, 2009
The soundtrack for The Twilight Saga: New Moon arrives in stores today, four days earlier than Atlantic Records originally wanted it to. The record company's plans got moved up when a digital copy of the soundtrack hit the internet this past Monday.
All of the songs appearing on the New Moon soundtrack are exclusive to the record. The tracks and bands featured on the soundtrack include:
1. Death Cab for Cutie - "Meet Me on the Equinox"
2. Band of Skulls - "Friends"
3. Thom Yorke - "Hearing Damage"
4. Lykke Li - "Possibility"
5. The Killers - "A White Demon Love Song"
6. Anya Marina - "Satellite Heart"
7. Muse - "I Belong To You (New Moon Remix)"
8. Bon Iver & St. Vincent - Roslyn
9. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - "Done All Wrong"
10. Hurricane Bells - "Monsters"
11. Sea Wolf - "The Violet Hour"
12. OK Go - "Shooting the Moon"
13. Grizzly Bear with Victoria LeGrand - "Slow Life"
14. Editors - "No Sound but the Wind"
15. Alexandre Desplat - "New Moon (The Meadow)"
The soundtrack also has a website,, where you can hear portions from the songs on it.
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