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May 11, 2010 - Breaking Dawn / salary dispute
Scooped on Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Hollywood Reporter's Matthew Belloni states that the reason why Summit Entertainment hasn't as yet officially announced their Breaking Dawn movie has to do with tough salary negotiations with the Twilight franchise's supporting actors. According to the article, deals have now been reached for Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner, as well as Peter Facinelli (Edward's father) and Billy Burke (Bella's father), but the studio is still negotiating with the actors playing the Cullen siblings. Belloni singles out Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene as two of the harder negotiations.
And while THR adds that the deal has been made that will see Breaking Dawn split into two movies (to be released in late 2011 and summer 2012), the huge cost of renegotiating the principal Twilight stars at a higher salary of at least ten times what they were paid to be in the first Twilight means that each Breaking Dawn movie could exceed $65 million dollars in their budgets. There's also the possibility that Summit may choose to save money and the hassle by simply recasting Lutz and Greene's roles. Of course, that last bit might be positioning by Summit to scare the actors' representatives into reaching a deal sooner rather than later.
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