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June 24, 2009 - Hitman 2 / project announced
Scooped on Sunday, June 28, 2009
A sequel to the 2007 gamerflick Hitman is in development at 20th Century Fox. The studio has just hired Kyle Ward to write the screenplay, with original Hitman producing team Adrien Askarieh and Chuck Gordon to produce. Daniel Alter will also executive produce.
Ward's story will include elements from Eidos' upcoming Hitman 5 video game. The film's storyline was described by Variety as following Agent 47, the title character, as he reaches a "low point" and must "build himself up psychologically and physically to reclaim his mantle as the world's most feared assassin."
It's unknown whether Timothy Olyphant has been approached to reprise his role as the bald hitman for the sequel.
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