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June 2, 2009 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Anthony Stewart Head talks about the remake
Scooped on Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The first original cast member from TV's Buffy has weighed in on the proposed theatrical remake. Anthony Stewart Head, the actor that played Giles the Watcher throughout all seven seasons of the show, doesn't think that making a new Buffy movie is a good idea without her creator.
"I wouldn’t want to see it, no,” Head told USA Weekend. "The Kuzuis didn’t do a great job on the movie the first time around. It was Joss' script at the age of 19, but they changed a lot of it. They said, 'Look, we know best and we know how to make this movie,' and it became quite schlocky and high camp."
And if you need Head to be clearer, there's this part. "The bottom line is if a movie was ever to be made, it should be made with Joss Whedon, whether it’s a retrospective or not. But it would be madness to do it without him. [The Kuzuis] have the rights to because they have the rights to the original movie, but it should be interesting to see. It may be a bit like watching a car wreck."
Buffy TV staff writer/producer Jane Esperson has also said what she thinks of the remake. "I saw the news about this first thing this morning and I was surprised," Esperson writes. "I don't think any Buffy project would work without Joss' involvement."
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