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July 4, 2010 - Scream 4 / Ehren Kruger now rewriting script
Scooped on Sunday, July 4, 2010
Zap2It broke word that screenwriter Ehren Kruger has been brought in to perform rewrites on the Scream 4 script even as the movie is in production. Kruger wrote the screenplay for Scream 3, which most fans of the series consider the weakest in the series. He's also written the scripts for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and The Skeleton Key.
Sources tell the website that the script changes taking place are unsettling the cast and crew. One example given is Hayden Panettiere's character which, according to the mole, "used to be really sharp" and is now "dumbed down significantly." It's also said that Scream creator Kevin Williamson is no longer involved with the production.
Zap2It's story sparked Scream 4 director Wes Craven to comment via Twitter: "I have not been given control of the script." Read into that what you will.
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