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Godzilla - Frank Darabont rewriting script, producers in flux, Joseph Gordon-Levitt offered lead role
Scooped on Monday, January 7, 2013
In the past 24 hours there's been several interesting developments happening with Legendary Pictures' Godzilla movie.
Last night Hitfix broke word that producers Dan Lin and Roy Lee, who have been brewing the project with Legendary and Warner Bros., are exiting the project. The break seems to be amicable, at least according to Hitfix's Drew McWeeny, but today Mike Fleming at Deadline states that things will get ugly and Lin/Lee will go to court to fight the parting of the ways.
The production also wants to start filming in the coming spring of 2013.
The Hollywood Reporter then wanted in on the Godzilla news. In their coverage of the producers exiting the film THR mentioned that Dark Knight Rises star Joseph Gordon-Levitt was offered the lead role in the movie but turned it down. That was still news to the general public and worth a mention on our page.
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