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February 2, 2010 - John Carter of Mars / Facebook fan page launches
Scooped on Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Disney has launched its Facebook fan page for John Carter of Mars. If you're interested in signing up, hit it at
The studio has also released an official logline for the movie: "From Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Andrew Stanton (Finding Nemo, WALL-E), JOHN CARTER OF MARS brings this captivating hero to the big screen in a stunning adventure epic set on the wounded planet of Mars, a world inhabited by warrior tribes and exotic desert beings. Based on the first of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Barsoom Series, the film chronicles the journey of Civil-War veteran John Carter (TAYLOR KITSCH), who finds himself battling a new and mysterious war amidst a host of strange Martian inhabitants, including Tars Tarkas (WILLEM DAFOE) and Dejah Thoris (LYNN COLLINS)."
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