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April 11, 2009 - The Fast and the Furious 5 / Paul Walker talks sequel
Scooped on Saturday, April 11, 2009
With the fourth Fast & Furious film crossing the coveted $100 million dollar domestic box office mark today (and only in its second weekend of release), it makes sense that people are asking when, not if, the fifth movie will come. And Paul Walker has at least offered his own opinion that there will be a fifth movie -- and that both he and co-star Vin Diesel will be back.
"This was supposed to be it," Walker dished out on a radio program called Valentine in the Morning yesterday. "There wasn’t supposed to be the open-ended closing like there was. When I first read the screenplay, I was like, 'Man, look what they’re doing.' But without question, with the way things opened up, Vin and I will be coming back, we’re making a fifth one, and we’re going to Brazil, that’s it."
So Walker has some kind of inside intel for the location for movie #5. Now all we need is Diesel confirming it's on and we're gassing up for a road trip.
Posts: 94
Posted: 15 years 40 weeks ago
I wonder if they'll ever come near a few known street racing points in Sao Paulo...