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Columbia Pictures is gassing up its Ghost Rider plans and starting work on a second movie in that supernatural superhero franchise. David Goyer (the Blade trilogy, Batman Begins) is believed to be in talks to come onboard the project and supervise writing on a new script which might be based on an earlier Ghost Rider screenplay that he wrote back in the 1990s. And yes, Nicolas Cage is also believed to be coming back to play possessed stunt bike champion Johnny Blaze.
Aside from that news there's nothing else much to report about the second GR movie. What's of main interest right now is the timely nature for Columbia wanting to make a sequel; it's been two years since the original Ghost Rider film came out and while it wasn't a critical smash it did deliver more than $100 million dollars for its studio. As a betting man I'd wager that it was Disney's acquisition of Marvel that spurred Columbia execs to act and keep at least one Marvel superhero under their control.
Posts: 152
Posted: 15 years 20 weeks ago
They told Johnny's story. I say use Cage in a Cameo, but do the Danny Ketch story. Better bike, better backstory (in my opinion)....