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Harry Potter and the record-breaking midnight box office haul
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Wednesday, July 15, 2009

If you were worried that somehow the demand to see the sixth Harry Potter film would be lessened after the arrival of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, you had nothinbg to fear. Warner Bros. released the new Potter film today and nearly all screens showing the fantasy film had early showings at 12:01 AM. Early sales figures from the midnight screenings are in and the result is cause for celebration for WB.
According to the tix sales, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince grossed $22.2 million dollars just from the midnight showings. If that figure holds then Half-Blood Prince will become the record holder for best midnight gross ever, eclipsing last year's $18 million taken by The Dark Knight from late night shows.
By comparison, 2007's Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix netted $12 million from midnight screenings. That film went on to amass $139.7 million in its first five days.
Posts: 417
Posted: 15 years 30 weeks ago
oh huffelpuff.....