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Leonardo DiCaprio really bled for his Django Unchained part
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Now that Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained is out in theaters, people are commenting on a scene in the film where Leonardo DiCaprio shed his real blood for the role of slave plantation owner Calvin Candie.
From here on out, beware of minor spoilers for Django Unchained. Don't worry, it won't be much.
There's a scene where DiCaprio's Candie is confronting Django (Jamie Foxx) and Dr. Shultz (Christoph Waltz), the two bounty hunters that are masquerading as prospective buyers for Candie's services. Candie learns of the deception and goes into a hate-filled tirade against the two inposters. During the scene, DiCaprio slams his hand down on the dining table.
It was during one of these takes that DiCaprio brought his hand down on some crystal, smashing it and in the process cut his hand open. Blood began to leak out, but that didn't stop the actor from continuing the take right through to the end.
Tarantino decided to use the accidental cut to DiCaprio's hand in the film, and that version is the one audiences see in Django Unchained.
The news was first revealed when Stacy Sher, one of Django's producers, told the story to Variety. Sher also said that DiCaprio's cut was such that he needed stitches for it.
This kind of thing isn't unique to Django Unchained. Accidents and misfires have wound up in movies for decades, but these tidbits are always fun to learn about, especially after you've watched the film in question.
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