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When Shawn Christensen's spec script Abduction went on the market a week ago, the buzz amongst readers was that the story was hot. Studios began to bid on owning the pages which were described by one outlet as a Bourne Identity for the Twilight crowd. That's kind of ironic now since Twilight cast member Taylor Lautner has now become attached to star in the movie as the lead character, a young man that discovers his parents aren't who he thought they were and that he was stolen as a baby by them.
Today we've learned that it was Lionsgate that emerged successful from the bidding and are the new owners of Christensen's Abduction script, paying high six figures ($750,000 and above) upfront for the sale. When the movie enters its greenlight phase Christensen gets another million dollars.
Lautner will also serve as a producer on the film. Between this, his commitment to finishing off Summit's Twilight series, Paramount's Max Steel and Universal's Stretch Armstrong, he's capitalizing on his Team Jacob heat nicely. At least his agent will be buying a new car, if he/she hasn't already.
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