hey Dalton... hopefully not. I liked T:salvation
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Will the Terminator film franchise be resurrected?
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Of course it will. The only four big questions that hang in the air are:
- Which movie studio will buy the rights?
- When will the next movie go into development?
- Will Arnold Schwarzenegger star in it?
- Will James Cameron return to the Terminator universe in a creative capacity?
We may have answers to those first two questions soon. Deadline is reporting that Universal Pictures is sniffing around the Terminator movie rights. The IP is currently owned by Pacificor, the hedge fund that bought the rights a year ago for $29.5 million dollars from bankruptcy court.
According to the site, Universal wants Terminator so it can keep Fast Five directo Justin Lin busy at the studio, preferably with the F5 screenwriter Chris Morgan. Buzz on the fifth Fast and the Furious sequel is good, and Uni wants to keep Lin's foot on the pedal, making high octane franchises for them.
Does Universal's interest in future Terminator movies have anything to do with last week's tweet from the original T-800 himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger? Possibly. The former Californian governor said to his fans that he's now actively considering new acting work. Has someone from Universal approached Schwarzenegger's people at this early stage to see if he would be interested in starring in a Terminator 5?
Maybe he'll be back.
Daltons chin dimple
Posts: 12800
Posted: 14 years 3 days ago
Will they pull a "Jaws 3" and just pretend Terminator Salvation never happened in the following sequel ?