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Sunday, June 25, 2017
The Best Film Spin-off Games
Since the seventies, moviegoers have been used to lining up for big blockbusters. While some see them as primarily about male protagonists (in everything from Jaws to Avatar) it is easy to forget there have been some excellent female big hitters as well and today we will be focusing on two in particular - Wonder Woman and Lara Croft.
Wonder Woman
Add a comment (0)Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Poker to Call of Duty: Latin America's Insatiable Appetite for Gaming
There’s a certain assumption in 2017 that everybody plays games – not just sat in front of the computer monitor or on the sofa with a gamepad in their lap, but in the park, on the bus, or in bed on an evening; after all, that’s what smartphones were made for. In some countries around the world though, especially in Africa, South America, and the Middle East, the sale of games and consoles is a relatively new industry.
Brazil and Mexico
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Life is Strange Video Game to Become a Movie
When it comes to turning hit video games into movies, there doesn't appear to be a game over screen.
Add a comment (0)Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Destiny reveals itself to gamers
The legagy of Halo video game franchise hangs high over the sense of anticipation for Destiny, the company's next video game. The success of Halo was bigger than anyone, including its owner Microsoft, ever dreamed of: not only did Halo become one of the handful of video games that attained mainstream attention, it remains just as popular ten years after the first game as it did a console generation ago.
Add a comment (1)Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Halo 4 hits
For a good chunk of people, the big event happening on November 6 wasn't America deciding who would be chosen as the next President. Instead, a legion of gamers were awaiting the release of Halo 4, Microsoft's biggest release for the holiday 2012 window as well as what's expected to be the first in a new gaming trilogy.
Add a comment (0)Thursday, July 12, 2012
007: Legends introduces On Her Majesty's Secret Service trailer
On October 16 a new Activision James Bond video game called 007: Legends will pop up on store shelves. This time, the game's hook is that it lets you play out six classic Bond movie adventures, like Moonraker or On Her Majesty's Secret Service. Just two of the storylines have been revealed so far, and today a glimpse at the On Her Majesty's Secret Service gameplay was offered.
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Justice League game from Batman: Arkham City creators
One of the recent smash hits in video games has been Rocksteady's Arkham Asylum / Arkham City franchise starring the Batman. When Batman: Arkham City was released last fall, it quickly moved more than six million copies in a month and became one of the most critically lauded games of the year. No one figured that Rocksteady was through telling more tales of Batman's video game universe, but at the same time, no one was thinking of the next direction the superhero franchise would head.
Add a comment (1)Tuesday, June 5, 2012
E3 2012: Star Trek movie actors lend their voices to video game
Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto will make the trip into the Star Trek video game world by lending their voices to their characters in the upcoming Namco Bandai video game being developed. In developed and targeted for release just before the June 2013 release of the next Star Trek movie, the video game takes place after the events in the first movie and before what we'll see in the '13 Trek flick.
In addition to the inclusion of Pine and Quinto, the game's makers also revealed who Kirk, Spock and their Enterprise crewmates will face in the digital adventure: the reptilian race known as the Gorn.
Add a comment (0)E3 2012: Gameplay footage from Halo 4
Gamers anxiously awaiting to see more than a minute of teaser trailer footage from Microsoft's Halo 4 video game got their wish today. The software titan revealed seven minutes of gameplay footage and cinematic sequence material at E3 2012 today, offering Halo fans more insight into the storyline for the eagerly anticipated sequel.
This is the first Halo game that isn't being designed by the creators of the franchise, Bungie Studios. Instead, 343 Industries is supplying the design this time around.
Add a comment (0)Friday, June 1, 2012
Announced: LEGO Lord of the Rings
With this year's E3 happening next week, many game publishers are making announcements for new titles. Today word came of a new LEGO video game being developed that's based on the Peter Jackson movie trilogy The Lord of the Rings.
A press release is printed below, as well as a pair of images released showing what kind of Lego look Gandalf, Frodo, Strider and the rest of the Middle-earth Fellowship will have.
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Thursday, May 31, 2012
Mortal Kombat studio behind Injustice: Gods Among Us
Last year's reboot of the Mortal Kombat video game franchise was well-received by critics and consumers. It rejuvinated the franchise and gave much-needed credibility to Warner Bros. Interactive and NetherRealm Studios, the development team behind the game.
The Warner Bros. connection has yielded a new benefit for the NetherRealm team in the form of Injustice: Gods Among Us, a new game that was announced this morning. Unlike the Mortal Kombat universe, Injustice will use the heroes and villains from DC Comics and allow players to battle with them in "massive scale" battles.
Add a comment (0)Monday, May 21, 2012
You can cut the suspense in the new Aliens: Colonial Marines game trailer
First, the bad news: the Aliens: Colonial Marines video game being made by Gearbox Software and released by Sega won't come out until February 13, 2013. That's a helluva long time to wait if you've been amped up by what its makers have shown us so far. For those of us not in the know about why I and others are excited for Aliens: Colonial Marines, it's not just because of the game's pretty graphics. No, the real reason for my interest in this title stems from it being a direct sequel to James Cameron's Aliens movie, continuing the story of what happened in the aftermath of the destruction of the colony on LV-426.
Add a comment (0)Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Trailer: Call of Duty: Black Ops II
Activision has confirmed that the next installment in their mega-successful FPS Call of Duty series will be a sequel to Black Ops. Call of Duty: Black Ops II will arrive on store shelves this fall on November 13.
The developer for Black Ops II is Treyarch, the same studio that build the first Black Ops (and which sold a record 25 million copies worldwide, making it the bestselling video game ever in the United States and Europe.) However, this time the setting will be in the future, a first for the franchise.
Add a comment (2)Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Halo 4 comes out November 6
Microsoft has dated the release for Halo 4 and it will arrive November 6, 2012.
The Xbox creator also revealed a tiny sliver of new information about what we can expect to see delivered in Halo 4. Already we were given the news that Master Chief and his AI Cortana will return in the next Halo game, but now we know that the events we'll see happen in Halo 4 are set four years after the conclusion of Halo 3. At the end of the last Halo game, the Chief and Cortana were sent off into uncharted space. It was strongly hinted that they were going to visit the homeworld of the Progenetors, the alien race that built the mysterious ringed Halo worlds.
Add a comment (0)Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Release date soon for The Walking Dead video game
Telltale Games estimates that we're about six to eight weeks away from the release of a video game based on The Walking Dead. The game will arrive on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network; other consoles or a PC version haven't as yet been acknowledged by the developer.
There are also some details about the game that can be reported. Unlike the comic book and AMC TV series, the main character in The Walking Dead video game isn't Rick Grimes. Instead, it's a new character by the name of Lee Everett, a man who was convicted of a crime before the zombie outbreak happened. Now trying to stay alive, Lee is given a new chance to redeem his better nature by helping save others from flesh-eating ghouls.
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