wow.. this is the 3rd trailer? why havent i heard of this movie yet???
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Warner Bros. has released a third trailer for Sucker Punch, this time without any dialogue. The studio is also letting interested artists collaborate on a new feature called the Trailer Painter. This allows you to "paint" over frames of the trailer and upload it to the official site. When fused together the new painted look of the Sucker Punch trailer flows together as one.
Get involved with the Trailer Painter for Sucker Punch.
Starring Emily Browning, Carla Gugino, Abbie Cornish, Jena Malone, Vanessa Hudgens, Jamie Chung, Oscar Issac, Scott Glenn and Jon Hamm, and directed by Zack Snyder (300, Watchmen), Sucker Punch opens in theaters on March 25, 2011.
It's Zack Snyder. It'll be awesome and Goiter will hate it.
Posts: 5753
Posted: 13 years 51 weeks ago
Outside of Harry Potter, this is tops on my must-see list this year. I really hope it doesn't suck.