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Jupiter Ascending is next for the Wachowskis
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Thursday, October 20, 2011
It's a science fiction movie and it's called Jupiter Ascending and it will be the next movie that Matrix creators Andy and Lana Wachowski make for Warner Bros. next. Aside from that, no one knows anything else about it.
The Wachowskis are co-directing Cloud Atlas right now with director Tom Twyker, so they won't get around to doing this project until sometime next year. The studio wants someone on the A-list to star in it, which gets away from the Wachowskis' last big genre effort, Speed Racer, which relied on trippy visuals over star leading hype. That didn't work and Speed Racer was a bomb.
So what can we speculate about Jupiter Ascending? Well, if the title is to be taken literally, it could be set around the solar system's largest planet. Is it set in the future? Does it take place on Earth and we're dealing with something that's gone wrong around Jupiter?
With the Wachowskis, one can expect originality married with mainstream action, so we're in good hands. It's good to see them stepping back into sci-fi, and just based on the fact that these peeps gave us The Matrix, Jupiter Ascending will be one to look forward to in the next two years.
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