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He's back: Arnold Schwarzenegger announces he's looking for movie work
Posted by Patrick Sauriol on Friday, February 11, 2011

After seven years playing the part of The Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger is returning to his former career as a movie star. "Exciting news. My friends at CAA have been asking me for 7 years when they can take offers seriously. Gave them the green light today," said Schwarzenegger via his Twitter account yesterday.
He's 63-years-old but no one's thinking that how many candles Arnie gets to blow out on his birthday cake will lessen his acting prospects. There's been speculation that Schwarzenegger has been reconsidering an old movie project from the 1990s, a World War II action-drama titled With Wings As Eagles. Let's not forget that he also cameoed last year in Sylvester Stallone's The Expendables and could make another appearance in the Expendables sequel. And I'm certain that whomever owns the rights to the Terminator franchise might also be thinking about putting a call into CAA to see if the original T-800 model would be interested in coming back to terminate one more time. Could James Cameron also kick around the idea of putting his buddy into Avatar 2 or 3?
What movie project that Arnold picks as his first job post-Governorship will likely set the tone for the remainder of his film career. If it's an action movie and a hit then he'll have proven his worth to still be a box office draw in his 60s. If the results are luke warm but the budget of the movie is big -- and what Arnold Schwarzenegger movie hasn't had a big budget? -- then it could turn out to be his final hurrah as a leading man. Whatever that movie is, the decision to star in that film will be among the most important career decisions in Arnold Schwarzenegger's life.
Posts: 965
Posted: 14 years 1 week ago
the Expendables 2.. my god does anyone actually need to say this outloud?
as for Arnold in T5 its tricky because he's obviously a lot older than when he did the first one in the 80's and he's a robot and robots do not age... in theory.
also why stick Arnold into Avatar 2 and/or 3? that seems less likely than a sequel to one of his original movies ... currently The Expendables 2 is what i think he should do... fight Sly and Dolph, Li and Statham ...have Arnold lead his own group of Mercs which would include Van Damme and Chuck Norris and other aging action stars from the 80s