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Michael Clarke Duncan dead at age 54
Actor Michael Clarke Duncan has passed away at the age of 54, from complications suffered from a heart attack he had in July.
Known for his big build and deep voice, Duncan was in the prime of his life. His first movie role was in 1995's Friday, and he had several small parts playing bouncers and muscle men. It wasn't until 1997's Armageddon that he had a meatier role with more lines, playing one of the rough-and-tumble drilling crew drafted into blowing up an approaching asteroid.
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Friday, November 10, 2017
Is a ‘Game of Thrones’ Hit Movie at All Realistic?
With the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones in the offing, it has left many fans wanting new ways to get their GoT fix. With only two novels remaining also, it has led fanatics to lead calls for a box office movie – something we believe would be an enormous hit around the globe!
The seed of a Game of Thrones Hollywood movie was sown back in 2015 when a British newspaper revealed that George R.R. Martin had intimated that a movie could well happen, but he would not be involved in the storyline.
Monday, July 3, 2017
Two Supporting Cast Let Go From Hawaii 5-O
Hawaii 5-O supporting cast members Grace Park and Daniel Dae Kim have been let go from the long-running CBS police procedural series. The two had been holding out for a bump in their salaries equivalent to fellow cast members Scott Caan and Alex O'Loughlin. The network didn't want to move any higher, which trade magazine Variety reports would have been a difference of 10-15% more.
Add a comment (0)Wednesday, June 28, 2017
What Does Jurassic World 2 Need to Do to Improve on its Predecessor?
Universal Pictures recently confirmed that the eagerly anticipated follow-up to 2015’s hugely successful Jurassic World, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom would be hitting cinema screens on June 22, 2018. The hype wheels are already in motion and there have been some major revelations, such as Jeff Goldblum’s return to the franchise as Ian Malcolm. Goldblum was the star of Jurassic Park and The Lost World, and his reappearance will surely appease nostalgic fans. With Jurassic World raking in over $1.6 billion worldwide and holding the status of the fourth-highest grossing film of all time, what can the follow-up from director J. A.
Add a comment (0)Sunday, June 25, 2017
The Best Film Spin-off Games
Since the seventies, moviegoers have been used to lining up for big blockbusters. While some see them as primarily about male protagonists (in everything from Jaws to Avatar) it is easy to forget there have been some excellent female big hitters as well and today we will be focusing on two in particular - Wonder Woman and Lara Croft.
Wonder Woman
Add a comment (0)Monday, June 12, 2017
Cargo - The Movie Industry’s Latest Take on a Post-Apocalyptic World
One of the time-tested tropes for the movie industry has always been how and when the world might end. Think back over the years and there have been plenty of blockbuster imaginings on how we might all meet our doom. From way back in 1951 when When Worlds Collide was released, through to films like The Rapture in 1991 and The Road in 2009, there are plenty of these kinds of films around. Most of them are pretty bleak - but then that’s fair enough when we’re talking about the destruction of our planet and the population on it.
Add a comment (0)Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Poker to Call of Duty: Latin America's Insatiable Appetite for Gaming
There’s a certain assumption in 2017 that everybody plays games – not just sat in front of the computer monitor or on the sofa with a gamepad in their lap, but in the park, on the bus, or in bed on an evening; after all, that’s what smartphones were made for. In some countries around the world though, especially in Africa, South America, and the Middle East, the sale of games and consoles is a relatively new industry.
Brazil and Mexico
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Life is Strange Video Game to Become a Movie
When it comes to turning hit video games into movies, there doesn't appear to be a game over screen.
Add a comment (0)Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Justice League Dark Gets a 8-minute Preview
Justice League Dark started out as a DC comic book, taking the universe's magical and supernatural A-listers and putting them in their own group book. For a brief while Guillermo del Toro was championing his idea of a live-action movie, but that appears to be on hold in favour of Wonder Woman, Batman, Aquaman and Justice League flicks in the next few years.
Add a comment (0)What Will the Movie Industry of 2040 Look Like?
This past weekend the 2016 San Diego Comic Con took place. On the biggest attendance day of the con, one of the events was a panel celebrating the 30th anniversary of Aliens, released on July 20, 1986. Seven thousand fans sat inside Hall H cheering on star Sigourney Weaver, director James Cameron and another half-dozen of the cast and producing talent behind Aliens.
On one hand, it's incredible to think that, 30 years after the release of Aliens, it would still prove to be an incredibly popular and often quoted movie. The impact of Aliens on Hollywood's sequel factory and action/adventure landscape cannot be dismissed.
Add a comment (0)Sunday, July 24, 2016
5 Hints That Could Tell Us Where Star Trek Discovery is Headed
At Comic Con yesterday the first look at Star Trek Discovery, Bryan Fuller's new Trek TV show debuting in January 2017, made its appearance. If you haven't seen it yet, here's the footage showing a brief look at the new starship, the USS Discovery, emerging from a tunneled-out base inside an asteroid:
Add a comment (0)Friday, January 8, 2016
Happy Birthday Roy Batty
If you recall the scene in Blade Runner where Harrison Ford's detective is shown the replicants that he's hunting, you might remember that the birthdays (or "incept dates") were also given. Today is January 8, 2016 -- the on-screen incept date for th replicants' leader, Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer).
Add a comment (0)Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Creed II Will Happen, But Will Apollo Have His Comeback In It?
Creed II is happening. This is fact: Sylvester Stallone said so today. And it's a no-brainer because of the success of the first movie, with $103 million domestic on a $30 mil budget.
The question now is: what will Creed II be about? Will Adonis Creed do what Rocky did in his first sequel and win the championship? And will it be a rematch or against a new opponent?
Add a comment (0)Saturday, January 2, 2016
The Force Awakens Is Now the Second-highest Domestic Movie of All-time
With another $34 million dollars added to its North American take, Star Wars: The Force Awakens has now passed Titanic to become the second-largest domestic movie of all-time. It's also eclipsed Jurassic World as 2015's biggest movie.
Add a comment (0)Wednesday, December 30, 2015
CBS/Paramount Suing Crowdsourced Star Trek Axanar
Star Trek Axanar is a labor of love for its enthusiasts, a prequel film made by fans of the original TV series that aims to be as professionally made as any Hollywood production. Drawing upon one of the original episodes of the original Star Trek series, Axanar tells the story of a young Starfleet Captain Garth, the legendary future hero of Izar that was instrumental in ending the four-year war with the Klingon Empire.
Add a comment (0)Monday, December 28, 2015
First Photos of Marvel Movie's Doctor Strange
The first official photos showing Benedict Cumberbatch as Marvel's movie version of Doctor Strange have been released. The good doctor has the cover of this week's issue of Entertainment Weekly, as well as several interior shots showing Strange wearing his magical costume and the mystical Eye of Agamotto, the pendant that lies on his chest and gives him considerable magical power.
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