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Is a ‘Game of Thrones’ Hit Movie at All Realistic?
Posted by Harry Hughes on Friday, November 10, 2017

With the eighth and final season of Game of Thrones in the offing, it has left many fans wanting new ways to get their GoT fix. With only two novels remaining also, it has led fanatics to lead calls for a box office movie – something we believe would be an enormous hit around the globe!
The seed of a Game of Thrones Hollywood movie was sown back in 2015 when a British newspaper revealed that George R.R. Martin had intimated that a movie could well happen, but he would not be involved in the storyline.
More intriguingly, the rumors of a GoT movie have been fuelled further by claims from veteran actor, Charles Dance. Despite his character’s demise in the latest series, Dance would be one of the last actors you’d expect to lie about such speculation. When promoting one of his most recent movies, The Imitation Game, Dance confirmed that conversations are already happening.
“There’s talk of eventually trying to do a feature film, but I don’t know which of the storylines. There’s so much to cram into a film,” Dance told The Daily Beast.
Admittedly, Dance makes a very salient point about the fact that translating such a complex and multi-faceted storyline into a Hollywood blockbuster would be a challenge for even the most experienced film director. In fact, some GoT fans may feel that a 100-minute film would fail to do the characters and the plotline justice, short-changing many of the characters’ personalities in the process.
On the other hand, the brand is now a global phenomenon and it would be hard for the show’s actors and actresses to turn down multi-million-dollar contracts to appear on the big screen. One potential angle could be to set the film within a GoT setting but focus only on a single character and their trials and tribulations in order to provide a meaningful storyline for the fans.
There is no doubt that the franchise has thrived beyond the confines of our television screens. GoT has already made huge strides in the gaming world, including a hugely popular slot game at William Hill, which enables players to attempt to make their way to the Iron Throne as part of a 15-payline slot game. In addition, the eponymous Game of Thrones computer game was released back in May 2012 to much fanfare. The action role-playing game, based on the initial ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ novel by George R.R. Martin, enables fans and gamers alike to explore one of the most enchanting worlds in medieval-fantasy literature.
There is always a slight fear that a Game of Thrones movie would be a box office flop. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time that a successful fantasy TV series had failed to capture the imagination on the big screen, with The Golden Compass a perfect case in point. Nevertheless, with so many directions that GoT could take for a movie, we think it’s safe to say that we would all be willing to form a long but orderly queue to check it out!
Image Credit: "HBO’s ”Game Of Thrones” Season 3 Seattle" (CC BY-SA 2.0) by spratt504
Posts: 7588
Posted: 7 years 13 weeks ago
I didn't know they'd made a Golden Compass TV show. I can't find any evidence of it on the Web.