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X-Men: First Class
Release Date: June 3, 2011 (North America)
Genres: Action, Comic Book MPAA Rating: PG-13
Production Phase: Released
Studio: 20th Century Fox Production Company: Donners' Company
Who's In It: James McAvoy (Charles Xavier / Professor X), Michael Fassbender (Erik Lensherr / Magneto), Kevin Bacon (Sebastian Shaw/Black King), January Jones (Emma Frost/The White Queen), Oliver Platt (The Man in Black)
Who's Making It: Matthew Vaughn (Director), Jamie Moss (Screenwriter), Lauren Shuler Donner (Producer), Simon Kinberg (Producer),
Premise: In the 1960s, Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr were friends. Together they helped find the first students for Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters, mutants who needed guidance and shelter from those that feared their abilities.... More »
What We Think: The X-Men universe is big enough that there is room for a film series following the next generation of mutants, but the real question is can Fox find the right creative team to make X-Men: First Class... More »
Recent Comments
winged: Angel Salvatore with dragonfly-like wings and acidic spittle, not to be confused with…
Ok watched the extended spot last night on Fox, it appears the winged girl is angel. So they change…
yeah I recognize them. Is the red-faced teleported Nightcrawler? Who's the dark haired girl, Moira…
Beast, Mystique, Banshee, Havok (Cyclops' younger brother).
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