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World War X
Release Date: TBA
Production Phase: Script Stage
Studio: Warner Bros. Production Company: Silver Pictures
Who's Making It: Colin Trevorrow (Screenwriter), Joel Silver (Producer), Andrew Rona (Producer), J.C. Spink (Executive Producer), Chris Bender (Executive Producer)
Premise: A terrorist from the future is travelling to the past to reshape world history.... More »
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Warner Bros. has purchased World War X, a spec script by Colin Trevorrow, and given it to Joel Silver's Silver Pictures to develop. The sci-fi/actioner follows a protagonist that's recruited by a team to stop a time travelling terrorist from rewriting world history, thereby altering the future. Benderspink's J.C. Spink and Chris Bender are executive producing along with Jake Weiner and Alex Heineman.
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