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Will You Be My Black Friend?
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Production Phase: Pitch
Studio: Lionsgate Production Company: Harpo Films
Who's In It: Chris Rock (TBA),
Who's Making It: Oprah Winfrey (Producer), Kate Forte (Producer), Carla Gardini (Producer),
Premise: A white, married Manhattan writer attempts to expand his circle of online friends and conduct a social experiment by only targeting social media users who are black.... More »
Monday, October 5, 2009
Chris Rock is attached to star in Will You Be My Black Friend?, a comedy to be based on an article published in the November 2008 issue of GQ magazine. Writer Devin Friedman decided to conduct a social experiment: the white, married Manhattanite began searching to find new friends on Craigslist who were black. Later he expanded his search to include other social networks. The results were unexpected.
Carla Gardini took the article to her boss Oprah Winfrey, who then decided to option it for her Harpo Films company. Winfrey, Gardini and Kate Forte (also of Harpo) are onboard as producers. Lionsgate will distribute the movie. [Full story]
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