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The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Release Date: November 20, 2009 (North America, Italy)
Genres: Action, Horror, Romance, Sequel MPAA Rating: PG-13
Production Phase: Released
Studio: Summit Entertainment Production Company: Temple Hill Entertainment
Who's In It: Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen), Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan), Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black), Dakota Fanning (Jane), Jamie Campbell-Bower (Caius)
Who's Making It: Melissa Rosenberg (Screenwriter), Stephenie Meyer (Creator - Writer), Chris Weitz (Director),
Premise: After Edward calls an end to their relationship, Bella finds herself attracted to Jacob Black. When she discovers that he is a werewolf, and that his tribe have been the sworn enemies to vampires for... More »
Saturday, November 28, 2009
On Friday, November 27 New Moon crossed the coveted $200 million dollar domestic box office threshold. With an estimated gross of an amazing $17.9 million dollars in ticket sales alone on Friday, after eight days in release New Moon's total North American ticket sales now stands at $206 million dollars. It is presently the sixth highest-grossing film of 2009.
Comment on this Scoop (0)Friday, November 20, 2009
First showings of New Moon have shattered the old record for midnight screenings. The Twilight Saga: New Moon set a new midnight opening record by taking in $26.27 million dollars from 3,514 screens. That surpasses the former record for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince set earlier this year. That film took in $22.2 million during its midnight showings on its first day of release.
- Summit Entertainment. Comment on this Scoop (0)Monday, November 16, 2009
Online movie ticket seller Fandango reports that The Twilight Saga: New Moon has now sold more pre-release tickets than any other film in the company's ten years of operation. Twilight is now the fifth-highest pre-sales movie in Fandango's history, followed by The Dark Knight (#4), Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (#3) and Star Wars: Episode III at #2.
- Fandango. Comment on this Scoop (0)Friday, October 16, 2009
The soundtrack for The Twilight Saga: New Moon arrives in stores today, four days earlier than Atlantic Records originally wanted it to. The record company's plans got moved up when a digital copy of the soundtrack hit the internet this past Monday.
All of the songs appearing on the New Moon soundtrack are exclusive to the record. The tracks and bands featured on the soundtrack include:
1. Death Cab for Cutie - "Meet Me on the Equinox"
2. Band of Skulls - "Friends"
3. Thom Yorke - "Hearing Damage"
4. Lykke Li - "Possibility"
5. The Killers - "A White Demon Love Song"
6. Anya Marina - "Satellite Heart"
7. Muse - "I Belong To You (New Moon Remix)"
8. Bon Iver & St. Vincent - Roslyn
9. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - "Done All Wrong"
10. Hurricane Bells - "Monsters"
11. Sea Wolf - "The Violet Hour"
12. OK Go - "Shooting the Moon"
13. Grizzly Bear with Victoria LeGrand - "Slow Life"
14. Editors - "No Sound but the Wind"
15. Alexandre Desplat - "New Moon (The Meadow)"
The soundtrack also has a website,, where you can hear portions from the songs on it.
- Summit Entertainment. Comment on this Scoop (0)Monday, September 14, 2009
Summit has released the third trailer for The Twilight Saga: New Moon. Vampires, werewolves and heartbroken human teenage girl action in 3...2...1...
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Monday, August 17, 2009
The trailer/sneak preview of New Moon that ran before showings of Bandslam at the theater is now available online:
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009
When Summit Entertainment releases Bandslam into theaters this Friday a trailer for New Moon will run before the movie. The studio has released a 14-second preview of the trailer and OMG DID YOU SEE THE ABS ON JACOB??!?!?!?!!!
- Summit Entertainment. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Friday, July 24, 2009
If you missed the New Moon/Twilight panel held yesterday at Comic-Con, fear not. Thanks to the YouTube channel of Chuck the Movie Guy now you have your chance to see what 6,000+ Twilight fans saw yesterday inside Hall H. The video is broken up into three parts.
- Chuck the Movie Guy. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
At the Twilight panel held earlier today at Comic-Con, stars Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattison were on hand to discuss their roles in the sequel to one of last year's biggest hits. As readers of the novel already know, Edward is a minor character in New Moon and that posed a challenge to the movie's makers as to how to make sure Pattinson was given sufficient screen time. Their solution was to have Edward appear as a ghostly vision only to Bella. "It's suggestive," Stewart said at the panel (and reported by Sci-Fi Wire.) "It's how she remembers him, not necessarily how he actually is."
Pattinson recalled what it was like to report to work on the New Moon set. "I started three weeks after we started shooting, and my first scenes were the apparition scenes, which involved me doing maybe one word a week," Pattinson said. "I had a pretty much stress-free job of three months. It was great for me. All the pressure was on Taylor [Lautner, who plays Jacob.]"
Sci-Fi Wire also has an interview with Lautner where the actor discusses the physical training regime that he undertook to get into shape for the film. He also waxed philosophically about the amazing amount of attention that Twilight has captured. "I think everything is kind of crazy about this franchise," Lautner said. "That's why we love it so much and why the fans do as well. There are definitely fans who separate into separate teams. I don't know, sometimes it gets me a little nervous, because I'm trying to live up to the fans expectations and trying to represent Team Jacob in a way. I don't want to disappoint them so that's why I worked so hard to not only mentally and emotionally but physically as well. This guy [Rob Pattinson] is tough competition."
If you need more Stewart/Pattinson/Lautner, HitFix live-blogged the press conference that followed.
Here's a short segment of video from the Twilight panel first broadcast on E! Television:
- Sci-Fi Wire, HitFix. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Three new photos from New Moon have been released by Summit. The one we have to your left shows a rain-drenched Taylor Lautner as Jacob sans shirt while the other two can be found in our New Moon photo gallery.
- Summit Entertainment. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The first photo of Dakota Fanning as Jane has gone up at ShockYa and shows the blonde teen looking all pale but somewhat happy. She was surprised by a member of the paparazzi as she strolled to the New Moon set in Italy. Fanning is wearing conservative clothes that kind of make her look like a Puritan schoolgirl.
- ShockYa. Comment on this Scoop (0)Sunday, May 31, 2009
MySpace has the trailer for The Twilight Saga: New Moon and that means so do we.
- MySpace. Comment on this Scoop (1)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The online premiere of the first trailer for New Moon will take place this coming Sunday, May 31 at 7:45 PM on MySpace Movies' Trailer Park subsite.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Dozens of paparazzi photos showing a shirtless Robert Pattison kissing Kristen Stewart passionately have turned up on two websites, Gossip Girls and Splash News. The two were photographed along with dozens of extras wearing red ceremonial robes on the Italian set of New Moon. If you have read the book then you'll have an idea what's going on between Bella and Edward in these photos.
- Gossip Girls, Splash News. Comment on this Scoop (0)Friday, May 22, 2009
Three exclusive photos from New Moon have been published by Entertainment Weekly in their new issue as well as on their site. One photo shows Kristen Stewart near to a rose-strewn table listening to director Chris Weitz give her pointers for the scene; another shows Bella and Laurent in a quieter moment; and the final photo is of Bella and Edward about to smooch.
- Entertainment Weekly. Comment on this Scoop (0)
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