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The Twilight Saga: New Moon
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Release Date: November 20, 2009 (North America, Italy)
Genres: Action, Horror, Romance, Sequel MPAA Rating: PG-13
Production Phase: Released
Studio: Summit Entertainment Production Company: Temple Hill Entertainment
Who's In It: Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen), Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan), Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black), Dakota Fanning (Jane), Jamie Campbell-Bower (Caius)
Who's Making It: Melissa Rosenberg (Screenwriter), Stephenie Meyer (Creator - Writer), Chris Weitz (Director),
Premise: After Edward calls an end to their relationship, Bella finds herself attracted to Jacob Black. When she discovers that he is a werewolf, and that his tribe have been the sworn enemies to vampires for... More »
Monday, June 7, 2010
The 2010 MTV Movie Awards winners mostly suck
Much like miners used to have canaries in the coal mines they worked in to determine if there were dangerous levels of invisible gas that could harm them, the barometer of toxic danger levels for pop culture appears to be the MTV Movie Awards. When it was established a decade and a half ago, the MTVMAs were a fun event that celebrated pop culture entertainment. They still are, it's just that the movies have gotten worse (or I've gotten older and crankier. Hey you kids, get off of my lawn!)
Add a comment (2)Monday, May 24, 2010
Twilight bunnies do New Moon in 30 seconds
I've been a fan of Jennifer Shiman's 30 Second Movie Re-enactments by Bunnies shorts since the very beginning when she parodied Jaws. Since then Shiman's talent has been noticed by Starz and she's been making new videos under the cable channel's banner. Good for her I say because her talent deserves wider recognition and she should be getting a decent paycheck for what joy she brings to the world.
Add a comment (0)Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Twilight: New Moon DVD sells 4 million copies
If early sales figures are any indication then Summit Entertainment's New Moon DVD will sell slightly better than the first Twilight disc. The company's home video division released The Twilight Saga: New Moon on the home video format this past Saturday. Sales figures have been tallied and according to the results 4 million DVDs of New Moon were sold beginning at midnight Sunday and in a 24 hour period.
Add a comment (0)Monday, November 30, 2009
Identify your laptop or other belongings as Team Jacob property
In the latest offensive by the forces of Team Jacob, now those affiliated with the side of Twilight's native hunk of wolfdom can show their true colors. Just affix this vinyl decal to whatever place you want to leave your Jacob mark -- be it the top of your laptop, the side of your locker or car, or the wall right above your bed -- and your deed will have been done.
Add a comment (0)Sunday, November 29, 2009
New Moon wins its second weekend in a row
Once again The Twilight Saga: New Moon is at the top of the box office. In its second week as the biggest movie in the world New Moon has raked in another $42.5 million dollars, bringing its 10 day total to a whopping $230 million dollars domestic. Factor in another $243 million from its international screens and New Moon stands at nearly half-a-billion dollars in ticket sales.
Add a comment (0)Monday, November 23, 2009
Twilight fans get had
Imagine if you threw a premiere for The Twilight Saga: New Moon and you never intended to show the movie at all. That takes courage and probably a little bit of crazy. It sure would be an interesting social experiment to conduct.
Thankfully, there are some crazy comedians who took on the challenge and successfully pulled it off!
Add a comment (1)Sunday, November 22, 2009
Twilight's New Moon has $140 million dollar opening weekend
When The Twilight Saga: New Moon had a huge Friday at the box office no one was thinking that the sequel could earn less than $100 million dollars in its opening weekend. Now the tallies are starting to come in and estimates are placing New Moon with a whopping $140.7 million dollar haul from Friday to Sunday. Broken down over each of the three days, New Moon grossed $72.7m on Friday (including from its midnight screenings), another $$43.2m on Saturday and then its forecasted to earn $24.8m today.
Add a comment (0)Saturday, November 21, 2009
Twilight's New Moon defeats The Dark Knight and sets a new record
The Twilight Saga: New Moon has set a new record for the highest one-day gross in cinema history. The sequel, which opened yesterday, took in an estimated $72.7 million dollars in its first 24 hours, eclipsing the old record which had been set in the summer of 2008 by The Dark Knight. ($67.2 million on its opening day.) The ticket sales for New Moon's first day of release is double what its predecessor, the first Twilight film, earned on its first day of release ($36 million dollars.)
Add a comment (2)Thursday, September 24, 2009
Scene It? Twilight to sparkle game players this November
Just in time to cash in on the November theatrical release of The Twilight Saga: New Moon, a Scene It? Twilight trivia game will come out shortly before the movie. Konami will release the game so it can play on standard DVD players as well as the Nintendo Wii game system.
Add a comment (0)Sunday, September 13, 2009
Documentary cashing in on Twilight craze
Now that it's a verified fact that anything with the taint of Twilight will sell in truckloads, Summit Entertainment isn't content with knowing that it has three more movies in the pipeline before running the Stephenie Meyer gravy-train into the ground.
Add a comment (0)Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Exclusive: Photos from the wet set of The Twilight Saga - New Moon
The New Moon production continues to film in Vancouver. Fans of Twilight are constantly on the prowl for buzz as to where they might be able to spot stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner. Because there are so many exterior scenes to be filmed for New Moon, the Twilight-ers have been blessed with plenty of opportunities -- like for example, today.
Add a comment (1)Sunday, December 14, 2008
Director hired for Twilight sequel
Summit Entertainment has officially hired Chris Weitz (The Golden Compass, About a Boy) to direct New Moon, the second movie in the Twilight film series.
Add a comment (0)Sunday, December 7, 2008
Hardwicke won't be back for New Moon
Catherine Hardwicke won't be back to direct the sequel for Twilight.
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