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The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Release Date: November 20, 2009 (North America, Italy)
Genres: Action, Horror, Romance, Sequel MPAA Rating: PG-13
Production Phase: Released
Studio: Summit Entertainment Production Company: Temple Hill Entertainment
Who's In It: Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen), Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan), Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black), Dakota Fanning (Jane), Jamie Campbell-Bower (Caius)
Who's Making It: Melissa Rosenberg (Screenwriter), Stephenie Meyer (Creator - Writer), Chris Weitz (Director),
Premise: After Edward calls an end to their relationship, Bella finds herself attracted to Jacob Black. When she discovers that he is a werewolf, and that his tribe have been the sworn enemies to vampires for... More »
HypeMeter Rating: Melting
Recent Comments

I'm watching twilight right now, and it is boring. It's like a tween girl's wet dream -- a super st…

More hissing and jumping vampires in this one! We haven't had enough hissing and jumping in vampire…
Posts: 74
Posted: 16 years 8 weeks ago
Just read your logline. Holy crap! Not one for subtlety or originality, is Ms. Meyer? Guess she never heard of UNDERWORLD, either. Yeesh.
Posts: 7588
Posted: 16 years 3 weeks ago
So, are these books any good?
Posts: 213
Posted: 16 years 3 weeks ago
More hissing and jumping vampires in this one!
We haven't had enough hissing and jumping in vampire movies.
Posts: 5753
Posted: 15 years 49 weeks ago
I'm watching twilight right now, and it is boring. It's like a tween girl's wet dream -- a super strong and dangerous guy who is a complete gentleman and refuses to have sex with her; all with a Mormon subtext.
Sorry, Buffy did this relationship thing already, and much, much better. Twice.
Posts: 213
Posted: 15 years 49 weeks ago
Wait wait wait....vampires vs. werewolves?