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They Live
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Action, Remake, Science Fiction, Thriller
Production Phase: Pitch
Studio: Universal Pictures Production Company: Strike Entertainment
Who's Making It: Marc Abraham (Producer), Eric Newman (Producer), John Carpenter (Executive Producer), Shep Gordon (Executive Producer),
Premise: A loner finds out that the world is run by aliens consumed with greed.... More »
What We Think: If you haven't seen the original 1988 John Carpenter movie, why not?... More »
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Strike Entertainment is in the process of remaking John Carpenter's 1988 movie They Live. The original film starred professional wrestler Roddy "Rowdy" Piper as a loner who stumbled across a secret underground movement that fought aliens who were exploiting the planet for their own financial gain. When the hero put on a pair of specially treated sunglasses he could see through the illusions broadcast by the exploitative extraterrestrials which subliminally controlled people to see what they wanted us to see. Carpenter's film has retained cult status for its social commentary about the wide gulf between the rich and poor and capitalism run amok.
Strike is in talks with Les Mougins to acquire the film rights and make the remake which would be released through Universal Pictures. Strike's Marc Abraham and Eric Newman will serve as the remake's producers while Shep Gordon and John Carpenter will receive executive producer credit.
- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Recent Comments
I'd love to see a decently-budgeted treatment of this idea. I hope they keep the kick ass and chew g…
I also loved this movie and for some reason, it does not upset me too much knowing that they will be…
I think 'what we think' should have been: If you haven't seen the original 1988 John Carpenter movie…