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Speedy Gonzales
Release Date: TBA
Genres: Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Production Phase: In Development
Studio: New Line Cinema
Who's Making It: Alec Sokolow (Screenwriter), Joel Cohen (Screenwriter), Jerry Weintraub (Producer), George Lopez (Producer), Tracy Ryerson (Producer)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
New Line Cinema is developing a live-action/animated hybrid movie based on the classic Looney Tunes animated character Speedy Gonzales. Comedian George Lopez is attached to provide the voice for the CG Speedy. He'll also be a producer on the movie along with his wife Ann Lopez. Jerry Weintraub (Ocean's Eleven) is another producer on the project.
New Line has hired screenwriting partners Alex Sokolow and Joel Cohen to write the Speedy script. After writing the screenplay for 20th Century Fox's Garfield, the duo have got experience with crafting a three-act story for a talking CG animal. [Full story]
- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)