Movies: 1135
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Release Date: July 9, 2010 (North America)
Genres: Action, Science Fiction, Sequel MPAA Rating: R
Production Phase: Released
Studio: 20th Century Fox Production Company: Troublemaker Studios
Who's In It: Adrien Brody (Royce), Alice Braga (Isabelle), Topher Grace (Edwin), Danny Trejo (Cuchillo), Walton Goggins (Stans)
Who's Making It: Nimrod Antal (Director), Michael Finch (Screenwriter), Alex Litvak (Screenwriter), Robert Rodriguez (Screenwriter), Robert Rodriguez (Producer)
Premise: Alien hunters round-up eight of the world's deadliest killers, each an expert in their chosen profession, and take them to a faraway planet to hunt as big game.... More »
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Latino Review has a video script review of Predators. The good news is that the boys state clearly and unequivocally that the July 2009 draft they read kicks all sorts of ass and is a "worthy sequel to the first Predator." Spoilers are contained in the review which tell us who the main characters are and what kind of Predator adversaries the humans will be going up against.
More can be learned by watching the video review here.
- Latino Review. Comment on this Scoop (0)Sunday, August 30, 2009
Reel Hawaii was the first to report that scouting for Predators is taking place on Hawaii. According to the site the team is in their third week of looking at locations. If the decision to film in Hawaii is made the production will spend 18 days in October filming jungle-esque scenes.
Friday, August 14, 2009
The first day of filming on Predators will take place on September 28 at Troublemaker Studios in Austin, Texas.
- Production Weekly. Comment on this Scoop (0)Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Ain't It Cool News has confirmed directly from producer Robert Rodriguez that Nimrod Antal will direct Predators. " I know he'll be able to get the most out of what we want to be an outstanding cast," Rodriguez told AICN.
RR also shared more intel including that KNB will create the creature effects for the picture; that it will shoot in Austin at Troublemaker Studios; and he also shared a little bit more about the storyline. "It still involves a very intense group of people stranded on a Predator planet discovering unspeakable horrors (that are not always from outside their group.) So like the original movie, the title does have a double meaning."
For more quotes from Rodriguez, hit AICN.
- Ain't It Cool News. Comment on this Scoop (0)Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Is the director of Vacancy and Armored the top contender to direct Predators? That's what Latino Review is saying. The man in question is Nimród Antal and the site's source claims that he's not just one of seven top candidates but the producers' number one choice.
- Latino Review. Comment on this Scoop (1)Friday, June 12, 2009
Doomsday and The Descent director Neil Marshall is in talks to direct the film. [Full story]
- Bloody Disgusting. Comment on this Scoop (0)Friday, April 24, 2009
Robert Rodriguez answered questions about his involvement with Predators to Ain't It Cool News and how he got re-involved back with the project. "
"Way back before I did Desperado, I had taken a writing assignment for a sequel to Predator," Rodriguez explains to the site.
"With a nod toward Cameron's Aliens I decided to call it Predators. I set it on a jungle-like Predator planet. It was just a writing assignment, so I didn't have to worry about budget constraints or how the movie would actually get made with the technology that existed back then, so I just wrote any cool thing I could come up with.
"Fast forward 15 years to when I got a call from Alex Young over at Fox, who had been digging around and found my original treatment. He was eager to get it made and re-invent the Predator franchise using the treatment as a guide. So he contacted me to see if I'd be interested in being involved, and it seemed like the perfect project for us over at Troublemaker Studios."
Rodriguez confirms that he will serve as a producer on the film but may "walk to the Predators soundstage, pick up a camera and co-shoot the coolest scenes," and believes that if the finished film follows the outline that he did all those years before the movie should be R-rated.
- Ain't It Cool News. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
At a news conference held today at Robert Rodriguez's Troublemaker Studios the director announced that he is involved with a "reboot of the Predator series called Predators." Rodriguez revealed an ambitious schedule of upcoming film projects, some of which he will be involved with as a producer, others as a writer and director. Right now it's unclear as to what level of participation Rodriguez will have with Predators aside from a producing capacity. [Full story]
- IESB. Comment on this Scoop (0)