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Release Date: November 5, 2010 (North America)

Genres: Animation, Comic Book, Family          MPAA Rating: PG

Production Phase: Released

Studio: DreamWorks Animation   Production Company: Red Hour Films

Who's In It: Will Ferrell (Oobermind), Tina Fey (TBA), Brad Pitt (Metro Man), Jonah Hill (Titan),

Who's Making It: Alan J. Schoolcraft (Screenwriter), Brent Simons (Screenwriter), Lara Breay (Producer), Tom McGrath (Director), Denise Nolan Cascino (Producer)

Premise: After defeating his arch-nemesis, the supervillain Megamind finds that his whole purpose for living has vanished. To get his life back on track Megamind sets up a different superhero to become his new rival only... More »

Official Website:

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Friday, July 23, 2010

The movie footage screened during yesterday's Comic-Con panel for Megamind has now rolled out online and can be viewed below. Is it likely we'll see it in the form of a second trailer? Perhaps, but for now you're getting this early treat:



- Yahoo Movies. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Thursday, July 1, 2010

A new teaser poster showing Megamind and his arch-rival Metro Man has gone up.

- Superhero Hype. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Check out the noggin on this new teaser poster for Megamind. We've heard that cranium is in for the fall of 2010.

- Paramount Pictures. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Trailer numero deux has been released for Megamind. Besides getting to see more visuals from the film and greater detail about the premise, we're also treated to our first looks at Brad Pitt and Tina Fey's characters. (Nice Superman homage/parody at the start of the clip.)

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

The teaser trailer for Megamind will run in front of How to Train Your Dragon when the latter picture opens next Friday. But, as of right now, we can see the trailer one week earlier than theater audiences.



- Yahoo. Comment on this Scoop (1)
Monday, August 17, 2009

Will Ferrell (Land of the Lost) will now replace Robert Downey Jr. in the role of the supervillain Oobermind while Brad Pitt (Inglourious Basterds) and Jonah Hill (Funny People) are joining the film's cast. Pitt will give voice to Metro Man, Oobermain's nemesis and the hero of the city. Once Oobermind has removed Metro Man from the scene and the villain realizes that he needs a heroic foil, in comes the new superhero Titan (voiced by Jonah Hill) who is secretly backed by Oobermind. The problems only get worse for Oob when Titan realizes that he will have more fun being a supervillain himself, leaving it up to Oobermind to stop Titan from taking over the city.

We've also learned that Tina Fey's character is a reporter who's trying to keep on top of her city's ever-changing assortiment of superpowered heroes and villains.

- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Sunday, June 21, 2009

DreamWorks Animation released their official summary for the Oobermind movie:

"When super villain Oobermind defeats his archrival Metro Man, the world should be his oyster. But instead, Oobermind falls into total despair. It turns out that life without a rival is life without a point for him. So he creates a new superhero rival. Unfortunately, the new hero wants to be a super villain too. Who can we turn to? Who has what it takes to stand up to this menace? Who will defend the innocent? Oobermind! That's who."

It also appears that Ben Stiller won't be lending his voice as one of the characters and will just be serving an executive producer role on the project. Tom McGrath (Madagascar, Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa) has been hired to direct.

- DreamWorks Animation. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

From the floor of the Licensing International Expo comes this snapshot (and our first look) at the characters from Oobermind, the film formerly known as Master Mind. The photo was snapped by a scooper for Ain't It Cool News and gives us an idea of the style of animation we'll see in the movie.

- Ain't It Cool News. Comment on this Scoop (0)
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ben Stiller, Tina Fey and Robert Downey Jr. are all in contract negotiations to lend their voices to Master Mind, a new DreamWorks Animation project. Stiller is also producing the film through his Red Hour Films company.

The family friendly 'toon follows what happens to a supervillain's life when he accidentally offs the hero who had been his nemesis. Instead of making the bad guy's life easier, the hero's absence actually complicates things for the villain.

DWA has slotted Master Mind to be released on November 5, 2010. [Full story]

- The Hollywood Reporter. Comment on this Scoop (0)


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