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Meet Monica Velour
Release Date: April 8, 2011 (North America)
Genres: Comedy
Production Phase: Completed
Studio: Anchor Bay Films Production Company: Gilbert Films
Who's In It: Kim Cattrall (Linda Romanoli), Dustin Ingram (Tobe), Sam McMurray (Ronnie), Brian Dennehy (Pop Pop), Keith David (Claude)
Who's Making It: Keith Bearden (Director), Keith Bearden (Screenwriter), Gary Gilbert (Producer), Jordan Horowitz (Producer),
Premise: A man travels across the country to meet his dream woman, an actress who reached the zenith of her career in the 1980s. When he finally meets his idol he discovers she is a 50-year-old... More »
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Anchor Bay Films has picked up the movie and will release it on April 8, 2011.
Comment on this Scoop (0)Saturday, November 28, 2009
As it went into its post-production phase the movie underwent a title change from Miss January to Meet Monica Velour. The movie still hasn't found a North American distributor and so there's no release date to report either.
- Coming Attractions. Comment on this Scoop (0)Monday, October 20, 2008
According to Variety Kim Cattrall's character was a sex symbol from the 1980s but if you're listening to what Cinematical just reported that's not all of what her character did during the decade of big hair. The website states that one of their moles told them that the Miss January character was in fact an adult actress two decades ago, one that had the stage name of Monica Velour. And if you want to know what kind of special ability Ms. Velour performed on screen, you'll have to hit the source to find out.
- Cinematical. Comment on this Scoop (0)Thursday, October 16, 2008
Kim Cattrall will headline the comedy Miss January, reports Variety. The 52-year-old Sex in the City hottie plays a former 1980s screen starlet who caught the eye of a teenage boy at the height of her career. Now grown into a man, the starlet's fan travels across the country to meet his idol, only to disover that the sex appeal loses its luster when cold reality creeps into the picture.
The movie is being made by commercials director Keith Bearden from his own script while financing comes from Gilbert Films -- so it makes sense that Gary Gilbert is also serving as the movie's producers (along with Jordan Horowitz.)
Shooting is taking place now in Michigan.
- Variety. Comment on this Scoop (0)