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The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Release Date: December 13, 2013 (North America)
Genres: Adventure, Fantasy
Production Phase: In Production
Studio: Warner Bros. Production Company: WingNut Films
Who's In It: Andy Serkis (Gollum), Richard Armitage (Thorin Oakenshield), Ian McKellen (Gandalf the Grey), Martin Freeman (Bilbo Baggins),
Who's Making It: Peter Jackson (Director), Philippa Boyens (Screenwriter), Peter Jackson (Screenwriter), Fran Walsh (Screenwriter), Guillermo del Toro (Screenwriter)
Premise: Bilbo and his group meet with Smaug and try to escape with the dragon's treaure and their lives.... More »
TopWho's In It
Andy Serkis | Gollum |
Richard Armitage | Thorin Oakenshield |
Ian McKellen | Gandalf the Grey |
Martin Freeman | Bilbo Baggins |
TopWho's Making It
Peter Jackson | Director |
Philippa Boyens | Screenwriter |
Peter Jackson | Screenwriter |
Fran Walsh | Screenwriter |
Guillermo del Toro | Screenwriter |
Peter Jackson | Producer |
Fran Walsh | Producer |
Carolynne Cunningham | Producer |
Ken Kamins | Executive Producer |
Zane Weiner | Executive Producer |
Philippa Boyens | Co-Producer |
Andrew Lesnie | Director of Photography |
Dan Hennah | Production Designer |
Ann Maskrey | Costume Designer |
Richard Taylor | Costume Designer |
Alan Lee | Conceptual Designer |
John Howe | Conceptual Designer |
Weta Digital | Special Visual Effects |
Joe Letteri | Visual Effects Supervisor |
Howard Shore | Composer |
J.R.R. Tolkien | Creator - Writer |
Bilbo and his group meet with Smaug and try to escape with the dragon's treaure and their lives.
TopFinancial Stats
Production Budget | $ |
Final Box Office | $ |